宋代 李益能 Li Yineng  宋代  
jǐng zhèng 'àn xíng wài píng qiǎn qiú hái chū dào zhōng shī biān cài zhàng yòu shī yùn King Bo Correct a wrongly written character or a misspelt word Line level by removal of foreign Yap Prisoner Both also debut a series of poems are poems husband Cai write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
jǐng zhèng 'àn xíng wài píng qiǎn qiú hái chū dào zhōng shī biān cài zhàng yòu shī yùn


  shǔ zhōu xíng wèi jué láoyào guān máng rèn shì háo cáo
   'àn yáo mǎnxīng xié jiāng shān gāo
   huǎn jià hǎi bāng liáo zhǎn zhǐ xiān lǐng kàn 'áo
   qiū lái yǒng chuán gōng sān jué xíng wén bāo
