现代中国 杯中冲浪 Wang XuSheng  现代中国   (1965~?)
hǎo měng de hán liú Violent Siberian Cold Snap
kǒng zhái jǐng
shí jiù shì zhū lián In (good) sooth you Exactly A lotus
yuān deep
shùn zhe lǒng zǒu
wèi bēi huà jiā zuì hòu de guǐ shī) A person of (no) importance Buskin artist Final Contrail Poems
dùn tòng dull pain
chǔ wáng (surname) overlord
tài hòu surname sultaness
niǎo niǎo cháo shī) Birds and Nest Poems
huái niàn qīn cherish father
lǎo niàn Lao Niang
qiū zhà Qiu Grasshopper
fàn jìn fēng liǎo
shí yuè shì October uni- commentary
duō shǒu yī yè
xiàn dài shī Modern Poetry
qiū zhà


   zhǐ féi shuò de qiū zhà
   dūn de shì
   zhěng qiū tiān shì zuò chuáng dān de xíng zhuàng
   gān jìng bìng lüè dài zhòu
   qiū de shén qíng cháng 'ài mèi
   'ér tóng tiào yuè zhe
   zǒu guò

   shí jiān fǎn xiàng 'ér xíng

gòngxiànzhě: 杯中冲浪