宋代 周焘 Zhou Dao  宋代  
jiāng tíng He Jiang Ting
shì shǔ xuě xuān Xue and Wu Shi Shu Xuan
shī shǒu poem a (poem)
luó hàn yuàn xiǎo
yóu tiān zhú guān shuǐ Swim india View induced water
zài qián yùn Repurchase Times before the rhyme
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
yóu tiān zhú guān shuǐ


  quán shí liǎng qīngzhú lóng shuǐ zhuǎn shān míng
   shēn jiàn tiào zhū suì shì yán jiān shēng
