宋代 游次公 You Cigong  宋代  
xīn lánggōng ) congratulate benedict Palace Lyrics
suàn divination operator
mǎn jiāng hóng Azolla
xīn lángyuè
mǎn jiāng hóngdān qīng ) Azolla Painting cabinet
huà Tiger
lěi yáng dào zhōng
qiū chóng Qiuchong
old fisherman
zǎo rise with the lark
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
lěi yáng dào zhōng


  shān tóu dèng shí wēi xiǎnshān xià huāng tián cǎo bēi
   gèng zhù qiū fēng chuī liǎng bìn xiāo jìn chéng
