西晋 左思 Zuo Si  西晋   (250~350)
zhāo yǐn shī 'èr shǒu to recruit people in retirement for government service Two poems uni-
jiāo shī jiā yòu jiāo
dào zèng mèi shī 'èr shǒu
dào zèng mèi shī 'èr shǒuèr
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu Yong Shi Eight Poems 1
yǒng shǐ shī shǒuèr
yǒng shǐ shī shǒusān Yong Shi Eight poems three
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu
yǒng shǐ shī shǒuliù Yong Shi Eight poems hexad
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu Yong shi eight poems seven
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu Yong Shi Eight poems eight
yǒng shǐ shī Yong shi poem
shī Miscellaneous Poems
zhāo yǐn shī 'èr shǒuèr to recruit people in retirement for government service Two poems twain
báifà White hair and Fu
shǔ Shu Du Fu
sān Ode
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
yǒng shǐ shī shǒu


  ruòguàn nòng róu hànzhuó luò guān qún shū
   zhe lùn zhǔn guò qínzuò
   biān chéng míng fēi jīng
   suī fēi jiá zhòu shìchóu lǎn ráng
   cháng xiào qīng fēngzhì ruò dōng
   qiān dāo guì mèng xiǎng chěng liáng
   shì miǎn chéng jiāng xiāngyòu dìng qiāng

   gōng chéng shòu juécháng guī tián
