晋代 陆云 Liu Yun  晋代   (262~303)
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shī Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Poetry 1
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shīèr Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Poetry 2
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shīsān Title of military officer in ancient china Party Be ordered for Three Poems
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shī Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry four
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shī Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry five
dàjiàng jūn yàn huì bèi mìng zuò shīliù Title of military officer in ancient china party be ordered poetry hexad
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shī Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Poetry 1
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shīèr Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Poetry 2
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shīsān Zheng Xi Title of military officer in ancient china Jing Ling Princes Church will be shot Crown prince See life for this Three Poems
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shī Zheng xi title of military officer in ancient china jing ling princes church will be shot crown prince see order for this poem four
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shī Zheng xi title of military officer in ancient china jing ling princes church will be shot crown prince see order for this poem five
zhēng dàjiàng jūn jīng líng wáng gōng huì shè táng huáng tài jiàn mìng zuò shīliù Zheng xi title of military officer in ancient china jing ling princes church will be shot crown prince see order for this poem hexad
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shī Qiu Princes To Royalty for life Title of military officer in ancient china Let the public will also Capital ancestor Preserves gifts this Poetry 1
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shīèr Qiu Princes To Royalty for life Title of military officer in ancient china Let the public will also Capital ancestor Preserves gifts this Poetry 2
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shīsān Qiu Princes To Royalty for life Title of military officer in ancient china Let the public will also Capital ancestor Preserves gifts this Three Poems
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shī Qiu princes to royalty for life title of military officer in ancient china let the public will also capital ancestor preserves gifts poem four
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shī Qiu princes to royalty for life title of military officer in ancient china let the public will also capital ancestor preserves gifts poem five
tài wèi wáng gōng jiǔ mìng dàjiàng jūn ràng gōng jiāng hái jīng jiàn zèng shīliù Qiu princes to royalty for life title of military officer in ancient china let the public will also capital ancestor preserves gifts poem hexad
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shī restored to health Two summer April Title of military officer in ancient china The ancestral Wang Yang two companies in South Grand Be ordered for this Poetry 1
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shīèr restored to health Two summer April Title of military officer in ancient china The ancestral Wang Yang two companies in South Grand Be ordered for this Poetry 2
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shīsān restored to health Two summer April Title of military officer in ancient china The ancestral Wang Yang two companies in South Grand Be ordered for this Three Poems
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shī Restored to health two summer april title of military officer in ancient china the ancestral wang yang two companies in south grand be ordered for this poem four
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shī Restored to health two summer april title of military officer in ancient china the ancestral wang yang two companies in south grand be ordered for this poem five
'ān 'èr nián xià yuè dàjiàng jūn chū wáng yáng 'èr gōng chéng nán táng huáng bèi mìng zuò shīliù Restored to health two summer april title of military officer in ancient china the ancestral wang yang two companies in south grand be ordered for this poem hexad
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
cóng shì zhōng láng zhāng yàn míng wéi zhōng jūn shì wéi jùn tài shǒu jiāng zhī guān dàjiàng jūn chóng xián zhī yuǎn 'ér hòu xià zhī 'ēn yòu lóng fēi yòu gǎn shèng huáng méng yǐn jiàn yòu yàn hòu yuán gǎn míng zhī yàn yǒng zǎo zhī kǎi 'ér zuò shì shī


   wén yòu shèngruì zhé pèi tiān
   gōng shēng dào shàng xuán
   xiū mìng huī yòu
wéi xián
   zhé chéng zài yuān
