秦代 唐风 Tang Feng  秦代  
shuài XI SHUAI
shān yòu shū SHAN YOU SHU
yáng zhī shuǐ YANG ZHI SHUI
jiāo liáo JIAO LIAO
chóumóu CHOU MOU
gāo qiú GAO QIU
bǎo BAO YU
yòu zhī YOU DI ZHI DU
shēng GE SHENG
cǎi líng CAI LING
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
cǎi líng


  cǎi líng cǎi língshǒu yáng zhī diānrén zhī wéi yángǒu xìnshè zhān shè zhāngǒu ránrén zhī wéi yán yān
   cǎi cǎi shǒu yáng zhī xiàrén zhī wéi yángǒu shè zhān shè zhāngǒu ránrén zhī wéi yán yān
   cǎi fèng cǎi fèngshǒu yáng zhī dōng
rén zhī wéi yángǒu cóngshè zhān shè zhāngǒu ránrén zhī wéi yán yān

    yìzhě: James Legge

【wénjí】shī jīng

【zīliàoláiyuán】 The English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by James Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan she (Taiwan, 1971). Transliteration of Chinese names in the English translation were converted to
