宋代 夏元鼎 Xia Yuanding  宋代   (1181~?)
qìn yuán chūn dòng bīn) a famous Taoist priest in Tang Dynasty
qìn yuán chūn zhāng jìng
qìn yuán chūn Patio Spring
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī 'èr
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī sān) Shuidiaogetou 10 ter
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī ) Shuidiaogetou Five of ten
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī liù
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī ) Shuidiaogetou Eight of ten
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī jiǔ
shuǐ diào tóushí zhī shí
jiāng yuè the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
jiāng yuèshí zhī 'èr) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade Bis
jiāng yuèshí zhī sān
jiāng yuèshí zhī
jiāng yuèshí zhī ) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade The five
jiāng yuèshí zhī liù) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade Six
jiāng yuèshí zhī
jiāng yuèshí zhī ) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade Of eight
jiāng yuèshí zhī jiǔ
jiāng yuèshí zhī shí) The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river decade S 10
shuǐ diào tóu Shuidiaogetou
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
shuǐ diào tóu


  guāng zhū dān jīng zhì nán
   chū wèi shìfán biàn wèn shù shí tiáonǎi jìn chuí shǒu chàng rán 'ér
   hòu xìn xiāng shì zhuàngwèi jiānghuáimǐnzhèbài shī bǎi shí xiàng shàng xuán guānjué jīn shì 'ér zuó fēi
   zhī suǒ jué shìmiù zèng shuǐ diào
   yòu tiān tái guō yìng chāng zhēn yáo xūnjīn líng zhào gǒng xiāng táng chún yān
   rén shēn cáng zhòu zǒu dōng
   zhòu shū juàn chūn xià qiū dōng
   cún xiǎng fēi xīn fēi shèn fēi jīng fēi mán xíng gōng
   diǎn zhēn líng bǎohùn huí fēng
   gǎn yīng 'érjiāo chà ài dīng gōng
   huáng pèi shí chén nèi shàng xiān gōng
   huǎng zhōng yòu xiàngyáng huǒ yīn dào shǔ hóng _
   huǒ hòu néng tiáolǐtiān
