宋代 杨万里 Yang Wanli  宋代   (1127~1206)
shuǐ diàn jiē zhù shí shān Water west Amazing stories neither the Stay overnight hold up Rock mountain void
shuǐ xiān huā shǒu
shuǐ xiān huā shǒu Daffodil 4
shuǐ xiān huā shǒu
shuǐ xiān huā shǒu
shuǐ xiān shèng kāiliú shàng xiǎo zhuó Bulbus narcissi chinensi In (full) flower Brother of the son to stay a little drink, or a few drinks (of some alcoholic beverage)
shuǐ zhōng shān huā yǐng Water Mountain Fetch water
shuì jué dreamland
shuì guān shān Shui Qi To look at Mountain
shuì shì
shuì lǐfà Shui Qi barber
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě Had not Spring to live away from civilization Miscellaneous xing Troubadour dispel
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě Had not Spring to live away from civilization Miscellaneous xing Troubadour dispel
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě Had not Spring to live away from civilization Miscellaneous xing Troubadour dispel
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě Had not Spring to live away from civilization Miscellaneous xing Troubadour dispel
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě
wèi chūn shān xīng shí 'èr jiě Had not Spring to live away from civilization Miscellaneous xing Troubadour dispel
gèng qīng yáng xiàn jiā diàn Four more fat Qingyang county Wuli West Ke home Store
duō shǒu yī yè
shī ancient style poetry
shuǐ diàn jiē zhù shí shān


   zhù guān rén diàn
   jiàn róng xìng yòu suī lòu gèng xián tuó
   tóu shī fáng guī mènglín bàn
   shēng mián shí 'ěrxíng zǒng cuō tuó
