宋代 李之仪 Li Zhiyi  宋代   (1038~1117)
留春令 leave (message) spring
天門謠 Days door rumor
水竜吟(中秋) Shuilong Yin mid-autumn
驀山溪(次韻徐明叔) Suddenly coulee write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Xu Mingshu
驀山溪(北觀避暑次明叔韻) Suddenly coulee North View Summer Plays Ming Shu Yun
驀山溪(采石値雪) Suddenly coulee Quarrying Value of snow
驀山溪 suddenly coulee
滿庭芳(八月十六夜,景修詠東坡舊詞,因韻成此) Man ting fang Aug Caroche Nocturne Yong Su repair into the old words for rhyme
滿庭芳(有碾竜團為供求詩者,作長短句報之) Man ting fang Long Group is a grind Supply and demand Poems are made Another name of ci(chinese classical poetry) Report of the
玉蝴蝶 jade buckeye
早梅芳 Early Mui Fong
謝池春 Chi Chun Xie
怨三三(登姑熟堂寄舊跡,用賀方回韻) Complaint on March 3 Teng Kou Send cooked together The past things He used Fang hui charm
春光好 Good Spring
千秋歲(詠疇昔勝會和人韻,後篇喜其歸) Qian qiusui chant In former times Grand gathering And after the articles were Rhyme hi its return
千秋歲 Qian Qiusui
千秋歲(再和前意) Qian qiusui Again and Former Italian
千秋歲 Qian Qiusui
千秋歲(和人) Qian qiusui And human
千秋歲(用秦少逰韻) Qian qiusui Rhyme with Qinshao You
臨江仙 Lin Jiangxian
臨江仙 Lin Jiangxian
江神子 Jiang, Son of God
江神子 Jiang, Son of God
古詩 ancient style poetry


