孤鸞(次虛齋先生梅詞韻) A widow Second virtual fast Baas plum Words rhyme
燭影搖紅(再次虛齋先生梅詞韻) Zhuyingyaohong Again Virtual Vegetarian Baas plum Words rhyme
摸魚兒(送邵瓜坡赴含山尉,且堅後約) Mo yuer Send Hanshan Wei Shao went to Singapore and Kuala firm in about
摸魚兒(送上元主簿回府) Mo yuer accompany The fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) Back to Main Book House
青玉案(被檄出郊,題陳氏山居) Qing yuan Beixi The rural inscribe Chen shi to live away from civilization
水竜吟(次韻虛齋先生雨花宴) Shuilong yin Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Virtual Vegetarian Baas Yuhua Yan
西江月 the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
孤鸞(以梅花為趙_窩壽) A widow have Mumeplant japanese Life for Zhao Wo
水竜吟(寄興) Shuilong Yin to give vent to one's interest
水竜吟 Shuilong Yin
水竜吟(頑雪欺春,葵軒兄用韻,因次) Shuilong yin Spring Snow stubborn bully brother Kiken Rhyme dimension
水竜吟(丁經之用韻詠園亭,次韻以謝) Shuilong yin D by Pave Yun Yong Park Pavilion Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words To thank
念奴嬌(重午次丁廣文韻) Stories of The dragon boat festival Times D Drillmaster charm
念奴嬌 Stories of
虞美人(和蘭坡催梅) the field [red] poppy And Mei Lan Po reminder
虞美人 the field [red] poppy
沁園春(為趙_窩壽) Write Your Life for Zhao Wo
朝中措(前題) Chao Zhongcuo lemmas
古詩 ancient style poetry