南北朝 谢灵运 Xie Lingyun  南北朝   (385~433)
譱哉行 Praise Bank
隴西行 mountain located between Shanxi wester
日齣東南隅行 Morn Southeast Upper row
長歌行 long a style of old Chinese poems
苦寒行 The bitter cold lines
苦寒行 The bitter cold lines
豫章行 Yuzhang line
相逢行 Encounter line
折楊栁行 Break poplar and willow Row
泰山吟 Tai Yin
君子有所思行 Gentleman Amount to Si line
悲哉行 How sad indeed OK
會吟行 Yin line will
燕歌行 swallow a style of old Chinese poems
鞠歌行 to bring up a style of old Chinese poems
順東西門行 arrange Affair Gate line
上留田行 On the left field line
三月三日侍宴西池詩 Mar three days Shi Yan West Pond Poems
彭城宮中直感歲暮詩 Pengcheng Palace Intuition The dying year poem
從逰京口北固應詔詩 From the Tour Jingkou North-solid Accept the emperor's order poem
永初三年七月十六日之郡初發都詩 John Early Triennium jul Caroche daily The county made all the early poems
鄰里相送至方山詩 Neighborhood Phase sent Mesa poem
古詩 ancient style poetry


