宋代 李祁 Li Qi  宋代  
減字木蘭花 Jianzimu orchid
點絳唇 Point Jiangshouju lip
青玉案 Qing Yuan
鵲橋仙 Magpie Fairies
阮郎歸 Nguyen Lang return
南歌子 Southern Poems
酔桃源 Drunk Taoyuan
朝中措 Chao Zhongcuo
西江月 the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
西江月 the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
如夢令 Like a Dream
如夢令 Like a Dream
水竜吟(郎官湖) Shuilong yin Lang Guan Lake
浪淘沙 Waves
句 sentence
句 sentence
郎官湖春日四首 Lang guan lake Spring 4
郎官湖春日四首 Lang guan lake Spring 4
郎官湖春日四首 Lang guan lake Spring 4
郎官湖春日四首 Lang guan lake Spring 4
古詩 ancient style poetry


