賀新郎 congratulate benedict
賀新郎(清浪軒送春) Congratulate benedict Xuan Qing Lang Chun sent
賀新郎(送杜子野赴省) Congratulate benedict Du son get wild Attend Province
歸朝歡(南劍雙溪樓) Go towards Huan South sword Sungai Building
歸朝歡(壽蕭禹平知縣) Go towards huan Shou Xiao Yuping (in Ming and Qing Dynasty) county magistrate
歸朝歡(別憶) Go towards huan Do Yi
水竜吟(題連州翼然亭呈歐守) Shuilong yin Problems with state As the bird spreads its wings Tingchengoushou
水竜吟(題天風海濤呈潘料院) Shuilong yin Question-day wind was Pan Haitao Liu Yuan
水調歌頭(上韻州方檢詳,時有節制之命) Shuidiaogetou State party review the details of rhyme Time Keep [observe] measure Zhiming
木蘭花慢(社日有懷) Magnolia huaman Sheri Are pregnant
蝶戀花(快閣) Butterfly in Love Kuaige, poet LuYou's former home
蝶戀花(春情) Butterfly in Love stirring of love
鷓鴣天(怨別) Partridge days Do not complain
鷓鴣天(閨思) Partridge days Gui Si
鷓鴣天(惜別) Partridge days reluctant to part company
鷓鴣天(春思) Partridge days Spring Thinking
阮郎歸(春思) Nguyen Lang return Spring Thinking
婆羅門引(春情) Brahman casue stirring of love
古詩 ancient style poetry
阮郎归(春思) 阮郎归(春思)
鰓花輕拂紫綿香。 瓊杯初暖妝。 貪憑雕檻看鴛鴦。 無心上綉床。 風絮亂。 恣輕狂。 惱人依舊忙。 夢隨殘雨下高唐。 悠悠春夢長。