蘭陵王(贛上用美成韻) Emperor and the assassin Gan on the use of the United States into a rhyme
風流子(贛上飲歸用美成韻) Merry son Gan on the drink go into a rhyme with the United States
風流子(別贛上故人用美成韻) Merry son Gan on the other Decedent With the United States into a rhyme
齊天樂(舟中和花翁韻答自村同年) Monkey music Boat and Florist Yun A Zi village class
華胥引(舟中萬安用美成韻) Hua xu cited Boat Surefire With the United States into a rhyme
宴清都(舟中思傢用美成韻) Yan qing du Boat Think of one's home With the United States into a rhyme
鎖窗寒(春暮用美成韻) Lock windows winter Spring evening With the United States into a rhyme
隔浦蓮(春行用美成韻) Separated pu lin Spring bank With the United States into a rhyme
齊天樂(簿廳壁燈) Monkey music Book room wall lamp
燭影搖紅(縣廳壁燈) Zhuyingyaohong County Hall wall lamp
沁園春(歸田作) Qinyuan Chungui Tianzuo
賀新郎(和陳新淥觀競渡韻) Congratulate benedict And Chen Lu To look at boat race charm
夏日燕黌堂(和竹澗韻壽匝峰使君) Summertime Yan Hong Zhu Jian-Yun Ting Tong and the peak turns honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
水調歌頭(壽梁多竹八十) Shuidiaogetou birthday Liang and more bamboo eighty
賀新郎(壽陳新淥) Congratulate benedict Lu Shou Chen
賀新郎(用張小山韻賀小山納婦) Congratulate benedict With Zhang Brae Yun He Brae Namibia women
念奴嬌(賀陳新淥再娶) Stories of He Chen Lu remarriage
古詩 ancient style poetry
滄浪磯外,小艤蘭舟,旋沽竹葉。 雨過溪肥,波心蕩漾鷗地唼。 煙晚欸乃漁歌,和櫨聲咿軋。 要泛五湖,衹恐西施羞怯。 年少飄零,鬢未霜、底須輕鑷。 江南歸雁,寄來鴛箋細閱。 盟言誓語,滿鮫綃羅篋。 撩弄相思,琴心寸寸三疊。