獻長安君安仁詩十首∶一 dedicate Chang'an don Ani Poetry 10 1
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶二 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 twain
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶三 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 three
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶四 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 four
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶五 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 five
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶六 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 hexad
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶七 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 seven
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶八 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 eight
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶九 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 nine
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶十 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 decade
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶一 present Minister of public works in ancient china official Ani Poetry 10 1
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶二 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 twain
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶七 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 seven
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶九 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 nine
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶十 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 decade
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶一 present Liu ji Out of the Wu Wanglang Six Poems in order for a
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶二 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order twain
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶三 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order three
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶四 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order four
古詩 ancient style poetry
楊朱焉所哭。 歧路重別離。 屈原何傷悲。 生離情獨哀。 知命雖無憂。 倉卒意低回。 嘆氣從中發。 灑淚隨襟頽。 九重不常鍵。 閶闔有時開。 愧無紵衣獻。 貽言取諸懷。