獻長安君安仁詩十首∶一 dedicate Chang'an don Ani Poetry 10 1
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶二 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 twain
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶三 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 three
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶四 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 four
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶五 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 five
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶六 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 hexad
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶七 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 seven
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶八 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 eight
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶九 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 nine
獻長安君安仁詩十首∶十 Dedicate chang'an don ani poetry 10 decade
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶一 present Minister of public works in ancient china official Ani Poetry 10 1
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶二 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 twain
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶七 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 seven
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶九 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 nine
贈司空掾安仁詩十首∶十 Present minister of public works in ancient china official ani poetry 10 decade
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶一 present Liu ji Out of the Wu Wanglang Six Poems in order for a
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶二 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order twain
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶三 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order three
贈陸機出為吳王郎中令詩六首∶四 Present liu ji out of the wu wanglang six poems in order four
古詩 ancient style poetry
南山鬱岑崟。 洛川迅且急。 青鬆蔭修嶺。 緑蘩被廣隰。 朝日順長塗。 夕暮無所集。 歸雲乘幰浮。 凄風尋帷入。 道逢深識士。 舉手對吾揖。 世故尚未夷。 崤函萬嶮澀。 狐狸夾兩轅。 豺狼當路立。 翔鳳嬰籠檻。 騏驥見維縶。 俎豆昔嘗聞。 軍旅素未習。 且少停君駕。 徐待幹戈戢。