宋代 朱淑真 Zhu Shuzhen  宋代  
憶秦娥 正月初六日夜月 Same name The first month of the lunar year Early on the 6th Night moon, bringing
浣溪沙 清明
生查子 元夕 Child health check Lantern Festival
生查子 Child health check
生查子 Child health check
謁金門 春半
江城子 賞春
減字木蘭花 春怨 Jianzimu orchid Chunyuan
眼兒媚 Those bewitching eyes
鷓鴣天 Partridge days
清平樂 夏日遊湖 Qingping yue summertime You Hu
清平樂 Qingping Yue
點絳唇 Point Jiangshouju lip
點絳唇 Point Jiangshouju lip
蝶戀花 送春 Butterfly in Love Chun sent
菩薩蠻 Song Form
菩薩蠻 秋 Song form autumn
菩薩蠻 木樨 Song form Suaveolens
菩薩蠻 Song Form
鵲橋仙 七夕 Magpie Fairies the seventh evening of the seventh moon(when according to legend the Cowherd and the Weaver Maid meet in Heaven)
念奴嬌 二首催雪 Stories of Two reminders snow
卜算子 divination operator
西江月 春半 The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river Spring Semi-
月華清 梨花 Corona Qing Pear
古詩 ancient style poetry
憶秦娥 正月初六日夜月


