梅花 mumeplant japanese
对酒歌 Songs of the wines
王昭君 Wang Zhaojun
昭君辞应诏 Zhaojun speech accept the emperor's order
结客少年场行 Customer Results Youngster Field trip
道士步虚词十首∶一 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 uni-
道士步虚词十首∶二 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 twain
道士步虚词十首∶三 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 three
道士步虚词十首∶四 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 four
道士步虚词十首∶五 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 five
道士步虚词十首∶六 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 hexad
道士步虚词十首∶七 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 seven
道士步虚词十首∶八 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 eight
道士步虚词十首∶九 Taoist step function word,empty word 10 nine
道士步虚词十首∶十 taoist Step function word,empty word 10 decade
乌夜啼 Wu Yeti
怨歌行 complain a style of old Chinese poems
舞媚娘 Dance seductive woman
乌夜啼 Wu Yeti
燕歌行 swallow a style of old Chinese poems
杨柳歌 Willow Song
奉和泛江诗 Feng and Extensive river poem
古诗 ancient style poetry
凝真天地表。绝想寂寥前。 有象犹虚豁。忘形本自然。 开经壬子世。值道甲申年。 回云随舞曲。流水逐歌弦。 石髓香如饭。芝房脆似莲。 停鸾燕瑶水。归路上鸿天。