宋代 张先 Zhang Xian  宋代   (990~1078)
玉楼春·乙卯吴兴寒食 Yu louchun YiMao Wuxing Cold Food
天仙子 henbane
卜算子二 Divination operator twain
定西番 _Set_ Zephaniah
更漏子 change loophole
更漏子 change loophole
归朝欢 Go towards Huan
河满子 River Mitsuko
画堂春二 Painting spring church twain
翦牡丹 cut with scissors peony
江南柳 Liu Jiangnan
定风波二 Book storm twain
蕃女怨 Women complain Fan
青门饮 Green Door Drink
一丛花 A cluster of flowers
一斛珠 1 cups of beads
行香子 The Hong Son
谢池春慢 Chi chun xie defer
惜分飞二 Xifen fly twain
阮郎归 Nguyen Lang return
离亭宴 Feast from the Pavilion
醉垂鞭(正宫) Drunk vertical whip empress
醉垂鞭(赠琵琶娘,年十二) Drunk vertical whip present Lute Niang years troubadour
南乡子(中吕宫) Tone of the south In Lu Gong
古诗 ancient style poetry


