贺新郎·九日 congratulate benedict the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar
哨遍 Post time
六州歌头(客赠牡丹) Song of the first six states Customer gifts peony
水调歌头 Shuidiaogetou
水调歌头(喜归) Shuidiaogetou Hi go
水调歌头(解印有期戏作) Shuidiaogetou Solutions are printed on Humorous
水调歌头(客散循堤步月而作) Shuidiaogetou Kesanxundi To stroll beneath the moon And for
水调歌头(次夕,觞客湖上,赋葛仙事) Shuidiaogetou Cixishangke Lake Fu gexianzhuang matter
水调歌头(和仓部弟寿词) Shuidiaogetou And the Department of brother life term storage
沁园春(送孙季蕃吊方漕西归) s poem sent to Sun Fan hanging side trough quarter Seogui
沁园春(送包尉) Write Your delivery package Wei
沁园春(答九华叶贤良) Qinyuan Spring a nine Hua ye able and virtuous man
沁园春(同前) s poem ditto
沁园春(癸卯佛生翼日,将戟,梦中有作。既醒,但易数字) Qin Yuan Chun-mao Hew Wing on the halberd Dream Be in (a) condition (to do a thing) Both awake but easy to cipher
沁园春(和吴尚书叔永) Qin Yuan Chun and Wu Shang shu Uncle John
沁园春(维扬作) Write Your Weiyang for
沁园春(答陈上舍应祥) Qinyuan Spring a Xiang Chen on the homes should be
沁园春 Patio Spring
沁园春(二鹿) Write Your two deer
古诗 ancient style poetry
驴多为令仆,蚁亦拜侯王。 恰则封万户,俄然梦一场。