宋代 吴渊 Wu Yuan  宋代   (1190~1257)
Stories of
Write your life Di-phase state
Azolla Bird Yi Park Garden
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Azolla Bird Yi Park Garden

   Wu Yuan

Old and did not return to vote, Taicang millet, still teach eroded.
Jiashan dream, fishing Autumn singing, flute cattle breeze.
Following the flow of air ashamed Mo Villa, the new kiosks are too many cases air into droplets.
Laugh then the king for the master, with the passengers.
Ziyan Park, like celecoxib.
Green temples to change, difficult to rejoin.
Recorded together with the tour here, seems like the day before yesterday.
And more joyful pleasure poor, poor track over the eye into the array.
The concern side, obsession with a lot of worries, throw soap.
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