宋代 吴潜 Wu Qian  宋代   (1196~1262)
Azolla Sent with Gong Li Yu
Azolla Send Chen Fangbo the Xiangzhou office of the commanding officer
Azolla Qi Mountain Embroidery Chun Tai
Azolla tree or camphor tree Poetic
Azolla Jinling tomb Wu Yi Park Garden
Azolla Helvjuren assistant minister dongli baas rhyme
Azolla lodge at Zhao wen Zhongnan Zhong Xian handsome leading Huaidong
Azolla The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Effective line
Azolla Hexing House on wave And friend charm
Azolla Liu biao Weng Right Division scholars
Azolla Soochow, jiangsu province Lingyan Han empty cabinet
Mitsue Plum
Azolla Jingkou Phoenix chi And Lu Chuan Spring water For days Yun Chi Su Weigong Formerly-visited place also
Post time enclose Lanting to remember
Shuidiaogetou Chuan Kai Ting
Shuidiaogetou Uncle John sent Wenchang
s poem View more Building
Qinyuan Life river West Road
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Nguyen Lang return

   Wu Qian

Feng Qing Qing Hui Oi get soft.
Wood pigeon dove corresponding sing.
Static paintings were painted curtains Church, railings Duyi time.
Free pick up sentence, sleepy look for chess.
After thinking about the heart right from wrong.
_ Opening times fly Lau Fa Tu, Xichun spring I do not know.

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