宋代 张辑 Zhang Ji  宋代  
Shu curtain Dan yue contain Gui xiang Autumn Thoughts
Diaoqiu Apartments for wine Congratulate benedict Do not be a long winter Yi Wei Feng
Huai austin Spring Apartments Stories of Bingshen-year-old tour to visit the high sand Huaihai turn
So The mountains and rivers of a country--the land contain Monkey Music
Expand late autumn contain Magpie Fairies
Shanjianqingyu long lovesickness
Pik Deep Apartments Same Name
Huazilayu Ye Golden Gate
A weeping willow green jade contain Ye Golden Gate
Criss-cross Miles Center Apartments recall prince's descendant
Vime Apartments Like a Dream
Last month Guazhou Contain wu yeti nan xu view more building work
Eom end of month repair Xiao spectrum contain Lovers near Yi wei Zhiqiu Gaoyou vermilion Honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient china Qiantang Beiguan gate Boat
Ghost wind contain Complain heartfelt emotion Poisson Jiang for
against Trapeze contain Good near
Heartbroken Sound Apartments Southern Poems
Stories of
Lovers Near
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Diaoqiu Apartments for wine Congratulate benedict Do not be a long winter Yi Wei Feng

   Zhang Ji

Spring from the flute call.
To the lake, the Prince before the Willow, a wilderness round Italy.
Li Ching-day solitary negative plum, snow at the end of a desolate Ge.
But Xiaoge, chess only.
Jia Ke Qing unable to retain, for the Hong Lu, only the window at home.
Flowing of water pump to the two-way ear.
On the old cottage by the land.
More calmly, Nanshan North Water, Yu F, heavy reliance.
Heritage mind a few rolls, beef Purple fighting for many years.
Is the river, cold case.
And take advantage of Shuangtian bass is good, the Diaoqiu, for wine Chang'an City.
Nights go, month, thousands of miles.

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