宋代 石孝友 Dan Xiaoyou  宋代  
Southern Poems
Shuidiaogetou Zhang left the Division to send
Baoding cash the fifteenth of the first moon (which is lantern festival in china) The upper yangtze West Liu senator
Those bewitching eyes
Those bewitching eyes
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Lin Jiangxian
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
Partridge days
divination operator
divination operator
divination operator
Divination operator Meng Fu dry Cold season in a year sanyou divider
Partridge days Trip mid-autumn
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Man Ting Fang

   Dan Xiaoyou

Thin cheek condensate cakes, wine, get makeup, smile can wind.
Join hands, the shame off the poor red.
Suspected change thy yard, buried the first drunk, spit for Fang Cong.
Unprovoked Department, drone Cidie, compared the United States through the two conditions.
One from.
Pull down after the loss of Han Pei-Gao, Dongjak spring air.
Like peach leaf peach roots, Cihen be the same.
Thank you Majestic old passenger, pick up in, sign in Yun Court.
Also aware, burglary incense powder, transmission and beetle bookworm.

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