宋代 沈瀛 Shen Ying  宋代   (1135~1195)
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Azolla The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar 登凌 tapping on the table
Man Ting Fang the Beginning of Spring a birthday [Christmas] gift
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Chao Zhongcuo A birthday [christmas] gift Shengshuangzhu
Chao Zhongcuo
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
drunk abjection
drunk abjection
drunk abjection
Blue willow
The Hong Son
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Jianzimu orchid

   Shen Ying

Ru and security only.
However, the happiness of happy hearts.
A ventilation.
Do not pass thousand million poor everywhere.
Rot gut is the wine.
Only loss of the Crescent cutting life.
Poetry and traveling to Ho.
Wire plan to disorder more clue.
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