宋代 沈瀛 Shen Ying  宋代   (1135~1195)
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Stories of
Azolla The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar 登凌 tapping on the table
Man Ting Fang the Beginning of Spring a birthday [Christmas] gift
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Chao Zhongcuo A birthday [christmas] gift Shengshuangzhu
Chao Zhongcuo
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
drunk abjection
drunk abjection
drunk abjection
Blue willow
The Hong Son
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Man Ting Fang

   Shen Ying

Liu Shan Kwong outside, forest Taying, diarrhea cross a river clean.
Zhou Zhu round, green leaves splashed such as oil.
According to the water bearing cover Kingston, Polygonum shore, reeds Xiao blow.
By free Xing, River yunting River, all day long to see Lin Yu.
To repair times planted Huang, Ching Chung matched, the two tracks into a mound.
TOURISM DEVELOPMENT species, at any time also get soft spring.
This is the President of tasks, Gaowo Department, no hi mind.
In front of things, people ask me, looking back, but shook his head.

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