宋代 袁去华 Yuan Quhua  宋代  
Shuidiaogetou snow
Shuidiaogetou Inosinic acid Shun Deng held Suzhou taiwan charm
Shuidiaogetou Son went to the country to send Yang Tingxiu Doctor Rhyme with Tingxiu
Stories of plum
Stories of
Stories of the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar
Shuilong yin snow
Shuilong yin Write and reply in poems according to original poem's rhyming words Was Lvshuaizhangcao
Shuilong yin the ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar Times before the rhyme
Man ting fang aug Caroche daily Liling for
Man Ting Fang
Man Ting Fang
Azolla Poetic
Azolla all low-down
Emperor and the assassin Chenzhou work
Emperor and the assassin Times Zhoumei Cheng Yun
Song of the first six states Yuan Ming Temple
Multiple poems at a time
quiet son of a high official

quiet son of a high official

   Yuan Quhua

Stir thousand weak thread.
Crow sings at times yellow uniform.
Cold Spring is still light into the Luo Yi, had some wind and rain.
Q swallows, the green water bridge road.
Has painted floor, individuals who see no.
Liu Jing cloud cover windows, full of sorrow string dust risk column.
Such as Xu Yu worry.
Everyone together for the end of the eyebrow.
Independent Dongfeng missile tears, send Lakeshore east.
Busy spring day and never read, people tired of how the degrees.
Near idle pillow, twitterings Oriole language.
Call sleep for Yan Yan, sun_set_ glow still spend dock.
  ① An Gongzi: Tang Jiao Fang title.
  ② Yu: Southern famous poet, "Sadness" is his famous article.
  Poem for the wandering person for Homesickness. Early spring on the scene of tie down to write, color brightly, like a painting, the novel. "Liu Jing cover" two other scenario is a virtual love each other deep already. Asked the question whether tie down at the beginning of the next two sentences, both refer to themselves, they imagine the other side, a two-way exchanges. "Independent Dongfeng" sentence consistent stretch, the performance of the thoughts sincere. According to the sun_set_ to spend the end of two Hollywood ending to beauty lining sadness, but also by melancholy.
  Appreciation Review 2:
  This is a sense of the Friends of the spring love, to express sorrow for severance hate the word beautiful.
  Qing Dynasty "referred memory of words mixed with fasting," said, "Northern Song Dynasty and more on King Syrian intelligence, so Zhuyuanyurun, four according to exquisite." Actually includes the word people, including the Southern Song Dynasty, many have understood "by King Syrian intelligence," the art of Austrian Khieu . But to really get rich in the United States caused by use, but also not easy. Look at the words: to catch the beginning of the first spring season best embodies the characteristics of the willow, and push it into the center of the screen, a "weak" words will just chill winter thousands of Xiliu students over the Soviet Union and still with a delicate and exquisite Jiaoqie modality Doulongkuoliao. Followed that if the goddess of youth in order to handle soft yellow dye Lai carefully and evenly in the wicker, so that the willow sticks were all wearing bright, pleasant spring, and thus attract the crows and magpies open their stop crying. This sound, color, a movement to highlight the school of abundant life on paper. Living in this fresh, lively, warm, cheerful spring state, it is natural to love a cavity induced by human. Over by the King into how the situation has generated a good aesthetic effects? ─ ─ a "cold" in the words convey a message. Dressed Luo Yi, the warming of the light; slow the country, the joy of this; but unexpectedly arrived for the spring (ie "Spring is still shallow"), turns warm again, they come out of thin air "some wind and rain." Predecessors had "fish out of the rain, gentle breeze swallow inclined" to write Spring Quotes, we know that spring weather is the often ignored to the scene. But the chilly wind in the cold rain, after all, a master of words added to a lot of "cold" means. So by the "cold" and tenon joint incognito to potential transfer anxiety, to a matter of course. Known as the "father of EMI lyrics" Li Bai "Pusa Man" that has "hurt the vicinity of Han Shan Bi," the sentence, the original "cold" and "sad" are intrinsically linked to it. Ci is seen as the "Flowers sent originator" of Wen also have "willow and if wire relay when the bridge spring. Painted floor, breaking news, ... ... who know the situation," the relationship description, it can be proved. Therefore, the Yuan to the Chinese financial situation in this scene We describe a very harmonic way smoothly into the thoughts of the lovers, on the very art of aesthetic taste. Ci clever lies to vague psychological thoughts into a vivid description of concrete: the result of human words, forgot to ask the Pianfei the Chunyan: Swallow ah, what are you fly back home through the green water, Red Bridge, loess Road, it can be decorated in the buildings in that color that Jacuzzi lovers see my child? "Everyone" means "people", both adapted lyrics metrical requirements, but also highlight to that of "people" deep affection, so "everyone" actually refers to the author's lover. Then, wait for the swallows to answer, and he said their first words were: not difficult to imagine ah, she was suffering from the pain of parting and the doors and windows closed, boudoir desolate silence, but too lazy to ask Joseph piano, so of band above the dusty. ("Cloud window" refers to the mica window of veneering, describe a room of gorgeous windows and doors ─ . Or that the sentence refers to "hide in the mist of the pavilion," may feel inappropriate. "Grief crisis string column" refers to the instrument made the sound of strings and pillars. "sorrow" to describe the sound of sad strings, such as Wei Wendi "Good, good line": "Mourning subtle strings, clear air with aromatic"; Du Fu "The Isles of string around the snow, not speaking with the laity," the famous ; Zhou Bangyan in there, "Wine to take advantage of sad strings, light shining leave" We describe. "crisis" to describe the straight side pillars.)
  Through films, read by a remote desolate lover of silence to address the reversal of the poet's own sorrow, by the time the famous Great Northern Fu Yu to more than the status of their own home, you can cause people's broad and deep resonance of association and thoughts. Yu ah year of the unhappy remark like "I" so today; fact that "I" the mood today, ah, as the year of the trouble Yu worry! Well, who is attracted to the "I" Mei Feng Jincu to Grief continued it? ... .... Yu Xin Bei had written when "worry Fu" (later to be lost), in "Sadness" and "Chanting twenty-seven" and other works are filled with sorrow the poet Liu Yizhuo depressed, people often used as a cooked Code, If Jiang Kui wrote that "the first self-made worry Lang Yu Fu," there Xuxi word "hate even more that do Jiang, Fu Yu worry," the sentence. Chinese Yuan to worry because they know they can, "whom" is pretending to doubt that the further deep to contain the couple's fervent emotions, while making words long on a layer of the ups and the cause and the mysterious beauty. Asked and no one answer, but no place to eliminate worry, so "I" to the wind only independent, self thrown tears, please surging water brought the couple east of the infinite feelings. Ouyang Xiu wrote "Good wine east, and a total of calm" joy of your love words, also written "for Q Xinchou, ... ... an independent bridge wind their sleeves" to show the pain of lost love words, clever Yuan to China localization with its environment, but since the last cast ─ ─ novelty to "play the tears in their eyes," leaving more by state and three-dimensional visual movement. Originally, Men do not cry easily, "bomb tears" is the sad feeling of a typical example of the most intense, indeed as Song Yang Wanli said, "Is there anything of mood control wind and rain, tears around the days to the flow of suicide bombers."
  The word on the tie down to dance raven sings Liu, Yan Fei trigger a storm of Chinese New Year attraction hygiene conditions due to spring from the Friends of the thoughts of spring love; the middle of the have and the people, he played the V to the illusion outlines the plight of lovers; under Zeyi tie down Warm wind, clear water flows east, and Nong Li oriole singing spring scene, the back of the powdered contrasting their own quiet way boring and Choujie. All words with a "worry" as the potential Simo of the internal loom to make words in the King of the matter appears to movement have caused, distance coordination and shades to match, scene-phase harmonic, in Resentment plaintive were also Rao cool and bright living Chang's charm, Therefore, a twist of the words Yin Wei Tan works. (Zhu Jie)

Edited by: 白水
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