宋代 苏庠 Su Xiang  宋代   (1065~1146)
Lin jiangxian Scholars Zhang gifts Jiankang
Lin Jiangxian
Like a Dream Snow for
Ye golden gate Huai so Habitat for
Ye golden gate Da-Yeh Chuang Huai Zhang yuan Ru for
Partridge days
Partridge days Over Lake Yam Scholars Gift prostitutes
Partridge days
complain heartfelt emotion Old fisherman family style Zuizhongzengwei taoist
complain heartfelt emotion
Nguyen Lang return
Point Jiangshouju lip
Song form Yixing for
Song form Nishioka also made from Yixing
Song form Zaizaixigang And pregnant Rear lake work
Song form Zhouyanda Boat for
Song Form
Song Form
Magnolia flower
Qingping yue Gui Yong Yan
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Point Jiangshouju lip

   Su Xiang

Le Light Ice Valley, Lvhen back pond up early.
LIU Zhou smoke occasion.
Egret Alice spit.
B272 Li Qing Mino, Diao Chan is not less expensive.
Yuntao years.
Drunk sleeping tent at the end.
Not a human world.

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