宋代 赵令 Zhao Ling  宋代  
Butterfly in love Consult to transfer Troubadour head gospel
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
Song Form
Good near
Xiaochong Mountain
Xiaochong Mountain
Butterfly in Love
Butterfly in Love
the west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s the moon's reflection on a river
Man Ting Fang
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Huan Xisha

   Zhao Ling

Pond full of flowers Manzhi water.
Deep in the language of Hong Oriole chaos.
Dongfeng light curtain curtain get soft.
Dreaming of being long on short, LIU Yan cross flying at low smoke.
Window sub-bucket of red jade chess.

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