宋代 杜安世 Du Anshi  宋代  
crane towering
Ounce oz. concentric
jade criss-cross
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
pity, regret, rue, begrudge spring
Tasha Hang
Tasha Hang
Tasha Hang
Tasha Hang
end bang
end bang
end bang
end bang
Song Form
Song Form
Ugly slave children
Phoenix Cup title
Junior Tour
Yu Louchun
Yu Louchun
Yu Louchun
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Dube Niang

   Du Anshi

Late spring weather, the swallows busy as the old Orioles organization.
Plum post leaves little room poem, first over the water, the new Bi-Ping Yuen.
Thanks Peony early, swing erected, Chueiyang built-in lock deeply unfamiliar.
Heater light, at idle to do, Atriplex throw.
Hate knowing about.
Hosting the Games attenuation, Dayton interjection turtle pillow sleepy and weak.
For juveniles, and the crazy swing kindness thin, yet, return messages.
At first, Lu Feng Chou mandarin duck, a judge and his life, much less light from the demolition.
Reliance Zhu Fei, tears drip loss, several feet of red raw silk.

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