南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Huan Xisha

   Li Qingzhao

Mo Xu deep amber cup thick.
Intended to be financial intoxicated minors.
Sparse bell had to be late to the wind.
Swiss Dipterocarpus ecstasy West Side, the provision of cold Jin Huan loose bun.
Wake up time and space on the candle bonuses.
  Purdah knowing about, Guyu to worry about pouring wine. The deep wine cup tired, not drunk, that is, first is intended to eclipse Hunxiao. Amber, the fossilized pine resin. Who called the amber red, yellow and transparent wax called Perot. This refers to the red wine and women, such as amber. The third sentence, "Yue Ci" missing before the word, "Si Ku Quan Shu" the "Yue Ci" fill "Shu clock" word, it seems not quite harmonize with the context of justice, according to word clear, there is also no " Shu Chung, "the term may be the chest make up. People here can not determine the original intent of the word. In short, it should be sent to the border with the breeze and the word also touched the Affinities with students of traditional images.

Edited by: 白水
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