宋代 周邦彦 Zhou Bangyan  宋代   (1056~1121)
Su Muzhe
Man ting fang Summertime Lishui Wuxiangshanzuo
Jie Yuhua the fifteenth of the first moon (which is Lantern Festival in China)
Emperor and the assassin
Six ugly Rose Hsieh made the remarks
Thanks Xingyue slow
Separated Pu Lian Close
Guan River that
Flowers guilty
recall formerly-visited place
Watson Cup
Sai Ping Lok
The west point on the horizon where the sun _set_s River
Shui Dragons
Southern Poems
Guan River that
Yu Louchun
Butterfly in Love
Night Palace
Su Muzhe
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Point Jiangshouju lip
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Dizhou chiefly

   Zhou Bangyan

Wave off the cold Ting, the village crossing the evening, very thick sail small number of points.
Chaos leaves turn crow, irritability break Yan, Tin Kok Guyun nada.
Yoo Xiao Shu, and even a slight glow still hanging? Features related conditions, Sichuan way for days, traversing this route, the old Washington.
Peng Huan means getting less mad Solutions, Chennai still led by thinking the situation around.
Heart piano seat, machine Kam words, most feel very close to arms.
Appreciating also looking for a long time hanging, rose Xie, returning a smile.
To dream Gaotang, no sleep, frost space has dawn.
  Write autumn journey poem pregnant people, mainly poorly at the scenery, shot at the end into the situation, leave the theaters and the pregnant person writing mood.
  Words beginning, is about to close-ups of the far lens have been used, from top to bottom to form a three-dimensional realm of near and far. "Wave off the cold Ting, the village crossing the evening, very thick sail small number of points," the poet is a sea journey, in the autumn dusk and the Deserted Village Nowata. For example, you can see from the Ting Mizuochi traces the fall, which is close to the lens. "Yaokan points sail small", because it is far from the lens, so the "small sails." Instead of "several pieces" instead of "points", is also seen in the King Yuan Wang. Crossing over is limited to the village close-range vision of the outline. Then look up at the sky poet, then see the "chaos leaves turn crow, irritability break Yan, Tin Kok Guyunpiaomiao." Convulsion, suddenly the wind, up_set_s the leaves falling one after another, also with the wind flying crow habitat trees, the sky had a neat row of geese ranks. Unexpectedly, while irritability, trying to shift the Goose broken up. Autumn wind blowing, it can lead travelers and travel desolate feeling. "Turn" and the words "broken" under the word was accurate and vivid, Chen Zhuo says: "the United States into the circulation of words in the muddy Hao Jie You testimonies under the word intention." ("White Rain Chai Words") comments appropriate. The author goes Yuan Wang: "Corner Guyun misty day." It is also very easy to Roam alone evoke a sense of the word person. This is the description from near to far. Above, described by the cold of Ting, Nowata, chaos leaves, enough people faint crow's a lot of trouble, not to mention there are two sides to the official Liu Xiao Shu, bleak _set_ting sun Xiegua the willow in the fades, the willows could not bear to go down , and take care of the evening among the phases. This is a village composed of crossing the evening scene mood, desolate, cold, bleak, desolate, more words were reinforced a sense of Official Travel of Battle, down and twilight melancholy. So they use "scenes of customs intelligence, Sichuan way for eye" end of the scenery. All in all the preceding vision, close shot, the sky view, ground view, view all the images into the combination of poet, integrate into a whole realm, had opened a joint, simple and honest nature. Shi-kun says: "the United States into the opening and closing Yuefu turbulence before independence through the ages." ("Cluster Ci if"), although not specifically for this review is the scenery, but on the whole, the United States into words, but for He sketched the scene assessment is appropriate. Zhou Ji said, "outlines the wonderful, no such Muslim. Others have a thin outline, outline the more vigorous the more Islamic." (Mediated deposit fast on the word mingled ")" scenes of customs intelligence, Sichuan way for eye, "two have been highlighted of the objective crossing the Han Ting Village scene of the words the impact on the subjective feelings. Is often said, "recalling the tragic": "Dayton Old traversing this route." Leaves west wind, breaking Yan Gu Yun, Shu Liu Canyang together affect him, so he changed the aging trance, and this sense of old age and pregnant human emotion cause showings.
  Showings commence immediately to paint a portrait lyric Loading. "Getting mad Peng Huan meaning less solutions, Chennai still be, thinking the situation led around." Poorly at the break beat "Dayton traversing this route, the old" sense of old age and, of course, subjective and objective features of the emotional impact of his produce. But Wang Guowei said: "In my view of things, it is the color of my things are." ("Human Words"), the poet wandering a foreign land, career frustrations, hurt other pregnant people, feeling sad Yu. Objective with the subjective emotional watching the scene, so the objective is also the last scene of his subjective emotional, subjective and objective, affect each other. Objective features of his influence played a catalytic role only, but also strengthened the role of his subjective feelings only. "Getting mad Peng Huan meaning less solution," Ming wrote, "crazy friends" to write their own dark; "Huan means less" is the words themselves rather than "mad friends," "crazy friends" means unrestrained friends, then "Huan means less" because what is it? "Chennai is still, think of the situation led around." Just because a long time for the Qingsi tied up, we can not break free, then, "led by the situation around thinking," What people? "Heart piano seat, machine Kam words, feel the embrace of the most ying", "seat Qin heart", with Simaxiangru Qintiao Zhuo Wenjun's story, that this shows that he missed a past lover. "Machine Kam word" story by Su Hui, Former Qin Tao Dou Fu Jian Qin provincial governor Lonza is disgrace, his wife, Su Hui to the text, is a tapestry for the palindrome poem to send it. Here is the letter sent by means lover.
  Scenery lyric poem, a pen, such as travel Siwan turn, doing twists and turns of the wonderful loop. Acacia or expressly written, or blackout, or reality, or fantasy, from the various Zhaobi. Outlines the narration, not piling up, and constantly veins, stretch circulation, very muddy, Shi-Kun assessment of this word says: "Write autumn bleak, such as news providers Otowa played. Language very sad wan. Twists and turns, music do its magic, the United States into a word most of all winning twists and turns to Yu Xu, Miao Yu Xu twists and turns in the power of a pen, a product of bone, and it could only solution through the ages. "(" Yun Shao _set_ ") (Wang Yan Si)

Edited by: 白水
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