五代十国 毛熙震 Mao Xizhen  五代十国   (?~947)
Southern Poems
_Set_ Zephaniah
He Manzi
woman crest
Jiuquan child
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Qingping Yue
change loophole
Southern poems auditor Wang qin chuan Auditor Swallowtail Ream
Magnolia flower
Xiaochong Mountain
Lin Jiangxian
River Mitsuko
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Magnolia flower

   Mao Xizhen

Cover Zhu Fei, Tsui foil hook, the full House Yingsheng spring lonely. Even pink tears, hate the Tan Lang,
Did not return for flowers and fall ¤
Hui on the ramp, temporary Xiaoge, the former things ye worthy of re-thinking. Gold with cold, Wah Ping You,
Bao account careless smoked Lanshe thin.

【Source】 卷895_32

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