南宋 李清照 Li Qingzhao  南宋   (1084~1155)
Like a Dream
Point Jiangshouju lip
Under the Shadow of Flowers
Yi Jianmei
Yu jia ao Kee Meng
Like a Dream
Like a dream Chang Kee Creek Pavilion eventide
Phoenix On the stage recall to play the vertical flute
Yong Yule
Point Jiangshouju lip
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Huan Xisha
Song Form
Song Form
complain heartfelt emotion
Lone Wild Goose children
The Hong Son
Lone wild goose children And sequence
Yu Louchun Plum
Yu Jia Ao
Qingping Yue
Multiple poems at a time
Zuihua Yin

Under the Shadow of Flowers

   Li Qingzhao

To the tune of Intoxicated Under the Shadow of Flowers · The Double Ninth Festival
By Li Qingzhao

Light mists and heavy clouds,
melancholy the long dreary day,
In the golden censer
the burning incense is dying away.
It is again time
for the lovely Double Ninth festival;
The coolness of midnight
penetrates my screen of shear silk
and chills my pillow of jade.

After drinking wine after twilight
under the chrysanthemum hedge,
My sleeves are perfumed
by the faint fragrance of the plants.
Oh, I cannot say it is not enchanting,
Only, when the west wind stirs the curtain,
I see that I am more gracile
than the yellow flowers.

    Translator: Lucy Chow Ho

【Reciter】 朗诵天地


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