秦代 召南 Zhao Na  秦代  
Que Chao
Cai Fan
Cao Chong
Cai Ping
Gan Tang
Xing Lu
Gao Yang
Yin Qi Lei
Speak While There Is Time
Xiao Xing
Jiang You Si
Ye You Si Jun
He Bi Nong Yi
Zou Yu
Multiple poems at a time
the poem each line of which consists of four words

Gan Tang

   Zhao Na

[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
Clip it not, hew it not down.
Under it the chief of Zhou lodged.

[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
Clip it not, break not a twig of it.
Under it the chief of Zhou rested.

[This] umbrageous sweet pear-tree; --
Clip it not, bend not a twig of it.
Under it the chief of Zhou halted.

    Translator: James Legge


【Source】 The English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by James Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan she (Taiwan, 1971).

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