秦代 周南 Zhou Na  秦代  
Guan Sui
Ge Tan
Juan Er
Jiu Mu
Zhong Si
Tao Yao
Tu Ju
Fou Yi
Han Guang
Ru Fen
Lin Zhi Zhi
Multiple poems at a time
the poem each line of which consists of four words

Fou Yi

   Zhou Na

We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we may gather them.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we have got them.

We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we pluck the ears.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we rub out the seeds.

We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we place the seeds in our skirts.
We gather and gather the plantains;
Now we tuck out skirts under our girdles.

    Translator: James Legge


【Source】 The English translation text was taken from The Chinese Classics, vol. 4 by James Legge (1898) and checked against a reprinted edition by Wen Zhi Zhe chu pan she (Taiwan, 1971).

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