outland poetry
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Somhairle Mac Gill-Eain
I am with my mind To walk along the beach We come together It a few steps away from me. It turned to me and asked: Do you hear the sound of the wind, Your beautiful white girl Monday will marry? I hold my heart sinking, boiling, Do not tear it out of the chest, Then I replied: I'm afraid so, I do not need this lie. Am I able to take off Venus shining sinking, Put it away pocket, Careful with the double? When the crisis in Spain, I did not die on the cross, How can we expect the fate of Give me a new reward? I embarked on a mean path, Narrow, dry, deserted, How can the face of love Like the roar of thunder and lightning? But if I again choose Then be able to stand in the Hai Yu With a full heart I will Out of heaven, or hell!