现代中国 艾青 Ai Qing  现代中国   (1910~1996)
Dayanhe - My Nanny
I Love This Land
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Modern Poetry

Dayanhe - My Nanny

   Ai Qing

Dayanhe is my nanny.
Her name is the name of her village hygiene,
She is a child bride,
Dayanhe is my nanny.
I am a landlord's son;
Also eat Dayanhe milk and grow up to
Dayanhe son.
Dayanhe to raise me and raising her family,
And I, eat your milk has been brought up, and
Dayanhe ah, my nanny.
Dayanhe, today I saw the snow reminds me of you:
Crimping your snow-covered graves of grass,
Closing of your former residence Yantou the dead Wafi,
You are a pawn of ten feet square garden,
Your moss in front of a long stone bench,
Dayanhe, today I saw the snow reminds me of you.
Heavy hand with you you put me in his arms, stroking me;
After you _set_ the stage juh,
You shoot to the apron of the charcoal, the
You taste the food cooked, the
In black sauce you put into the black bowl on the table, the
You make good sons of the mountain of thorns torn clothes, the
The children were machete in your hand chopped the wrap, the
The man in your child's lice on their shirts after the dolphin's strangled,
You picked up today after the first one egg,
Heavy hand with you you put me in his arms, stroking me.
I am a landlord's son,
I eat you Dayanhe milk after
I was angry with me leading back to his parents home.
Ah, big weir river, why do you cry?
I did parents' home with me a new customer!
I touched the red paint carved furniture,
My parents sleep in bed feeling the gold pattern,
I stare at the Yantou I do not recognize the "Family Fun and Syria," the plaque,
I put on new clothes feeling of silk and shell buttons,
I looked at his mother's arms are not familiar with the sister,
I sat painted bowl of fire safety kang stool,
I ate the rice has tripled grind rice,
But, I was so self-conscious anxiety! I
I did parents' home with me a new customer.
Dayanhe, to make a living,
She shed her milk, the
She began to hold me in his arms with the labor of;
She smiled his mouth, wash our clothes,
Her mouth smiled, carrying basket to the edge of the village pond to freeze,
Her mouth to laugh, cut the cord stained note radish,
Her mouth smiled, hand dig the pigs eat wheat bad,
She smiled his mouth, violently stew stove fire,
She smiled his mouth, back to square up a group Kei,
Drying soybeans and wheat are good,
Dayanhe, to make a living,
She shed her milk, the
She would hold me in his arms with the labor of.
Dayan River, in love with her nursing infant;
In the New Year in, for him, busily cutting sugar meter that winter,
To him, often quietly went to the village side of her house,
To him, went to her calls out "Mom"
Dayanhe, he painted bright red and green Kuan
Posted on the kitchen side of the wall,
Dayanhe, would boast of her neighbors praised her nursing infant;
Dayanhe has made a dream can not say:
In the dream, she ate her nursing infant marriage wine,
Brilliant festoons of sitting in the classroom,
And her charming daughter kind of called her "mother"
Dayan River, in love with her suckling!
Dayan River, in the wake of her dream did not do when dead.
She died, not her suckling lateral,
When she died, her husband usually beaten for her tears,
Five sons, all of them crying very sad,
She died, gently call her name sucklings,
Dayan river, dead,
She died, not her suckling flanking.
Dayanhe, tearful go!
With a life of 40 years died Ling insult,
With the countless miserable slaves,
The coffin with the four dollars and a few bundles of straw,
A few feet with a rectangular coffin buried land
Single-handedly put the paper money with a gray,
Dayanhe, her tearful go.
This is Dayanhe do not know:
Her drunken husband had died,
Children made a big bandit,
The second died in the fire's smoke, the
Third, fourth, fifth
And landlords in the master's curse in the live sound of the day.
And I, I was written to give this unfair world spell.
When I returned after a long wandering native land, the
In the hillside, the fields on the
When the brothers met, is to close more than 67 years ago!
This, this is for you, quietly sleeping Dayanhe
Do not know ah!
Dayanhe! Today, you are in prison in infants,
Presented to you read a hymn,
Loess presented to you under the purple soul
Presented to you for straight forward to hug me in the hand,
Presented to kiss my lips,
Presented to your gentle face black mud color,
Presented to you raising my breasts,
Presented to your sons, my brothers,
Presented to all the earth,
I Dayanhe like nanny and their son,
Love love presented to me as her own son like Dayan River.
I eat your milk and grow up to
Your son,
I respect you
Love you!
January 14, 1933, toward the snow
  How to become big-leaf Netherlands Ai Qing's nanny is it? Ai Qing was born in Jinhua County, Zhejiang Province, a farm field jiangcun called the landlord family. Mother called the floor fairy chips, raw Ai Qing is dystocia, Ai Qing three days and three nights before the birth from the mother's womb. Elders thought very unlucky, your fortune-teller fortune-telling, said Ai Qing dead father and mother at home to grams, then provides his own father can only be called "uncle", and his mother can only be called "aunt" can not be called "Dad Dad "and" Mama. " Ai Qing parents very strong sense of feudal superstition, in order to avoid the "g dead father and mother", simply put Ai Qing thrown out, foster care to very poor load large leaves home. However, the poor to the extreme load of big-leaf, just as the Earth Temple Xianglinsao dare to cut the threshold of it, do not believe in ghost, do not believe in fortune-teller, not because of discrimination and Ai Qing by his parents' cold, but full of his sincere love and hope: "In the New Year in, for him, busily cutting the sugar that winter rice"; "Dayanhe, he painted bright red and green Kuan posted on the kitchen side of the wall"; "in dream, she ate her nursing infant marriage wine, sitting in a brilliant festoons of the classroom, and her charming daughter called her kind of 'mother', ... ... Dayanhe, infants love her! "
  The poet with his nanny
  The poet's sympathy is broad.
  Poet's praise is broad.
  The eyes of her poet - "Dayanhe - my nanny." In that dark night of the world, the poet's sincere and deep eyes, she, in the poet's eyes, the clear and bright.
  The image of the poet to stand her poetry, stand in front of the Chinese people, the poet has become a shining star, flashing in the sky of China.
  She brought up the poet, but also brought up the poet's poetry - her experience, her character, her character, her character, her gestures, have become a poet, and poets of nutrition.
  It can be said, an ordinary woman, has launched a great poet.
  This poem was published, the poet still sitting under the prison bars, that eyes are still watching the hometown of that land. The success of this poem, this poem enormous impact in the poetry, the poet does not seem too much to note that the poet is also immersed in the "big Weir River" - the memory of his mother being also immersed in the fate of Chinese women concern among the ... ...
  Poet wrote a poem, a wish to complete. It is precisely this desire, is to promote the poet wrote this poem the power - the emotions of heaven.
  She gave the impression that the poet was too strong. In the poet's society, life, poetry, all kinds of thinking, her strikingly out. For social responsibility, so that the poet can not write her; for pursuit of the sublime, the poet can not write her; a sacred emotion, so that the poet can not write her. Era poet loyal, faithful to history, and thus can not write her.
  The poet was born in rural China over land, long in the "big weir River" arms. Her milk - she used her flesh and blood led to the fountain of life, not only raising the poet and the body, but also raising the poet's feelings. The poet's birth is difficult, parents do not welcome his birth, this world does not seem to welcome him born. The foster mother, "Dayan River" put all the love to him. When he reached school age, leaving the mother returned to his parents around the time he felt a strange parents, we feel the importance of his mother. Mother's milk, can be doomed to the fate of the poet's life - integrity, kindness, simplicity, and thus have more difficult and rough ... ...
  Facts have proved that the poet wrote this poem, is a historic choice. This is a poet to grasp the opportunity to grasp the understanding, grasp of the poem is the poet's understanding and loyalty.
  Poets and ordinary people, all have their own life experiences. Poets and ordinary people's different is that a poet can feel into an art, into poetry.
  Undoubtedly, the real life of the poet provides a basis for creation. The "Dayanhe - My nanny" to become famous, but also in the poet's outstanding performance capabilities.
  This poem uses simple wording. Because it is simple to write the poem who, simple things, simple feelings. Adopted written, poetry is the basic quality of the decision, the poet is very clear the reason, this poem, but also for people to make an example.
  This poem, from start to finish, always around the "I" and "her" relationship and write. From the "I" see, experience, feeling, and thought ... ... to write one level, "she." This idea is very common, and this poem is an excellent representative.
  Lyrical, is the poem's blood. Lyricism, is the essence of poetry. "I" to "her" feelings in this poem between the lines ups and downs, tear-jerking. This feeling is real, simple, from life's savings. This feeling is living wines, rich and strong. This is one of the poem's success. This feeling can not get the fly, can be understood. This feeling has become flesh and blood part of the poet, the poet part of life. Thus among the lyric poet, to express the blood, rather than water. Lyric poetry is lyrical blood to moving, to life.
  And how lyrical it? This poem provides a successful example.
  Lyrical poetry a variety of ways. This lyric poem An important feature that is portrayed through the details to the lyrical.
  This poem almost everywhere with accurate and vivid detail. These highly expressive detail, a poet from life experience in carefully _select_ed results. It shows the poet amazing powers of observation and ability to grasp. The feelings, the concentration of attention to these wonderful detail. Just picked a few, can make people know clearly what the poet is depicted through the details to the drudgery.
  "You use your Heavy hand to me in his arms, stroking me; / _set_ting up the juh after you, / you take the charcoal to the apron after / you have tasted the rice cooked in a after / in black sauce you put into the black bowl on the table after / you make good sons of the mountain thorns torn clothes after / children are in your machete to chop the hand wrap after / in your husband's children to lice on their shirts after the dolphin's strangled, / you pick up today, after the first one egg, / you use your Heavy hand to me in his arms , touch me. "
  This series of detailed descriptions, the "Dayanhe" the working women of simple, hard work and the "I" love, very vivid presented to readers. Capture the details of the poet and performance ability is superior. In the poet's first published poem, "join" in order to show that, while a poem is outstanding.
  Another important feature of this poem, that is, the use of a lot of parallelism sentence. Poets use of language is based on emotional needs and _set_ up. Sentence of this poem a lot of use of parallelism is the result of emotional need. Such as:
  "Dayanhe, tearful go! / With a life of 40 years died Ling insult, / with the countless miserable slaves, / a coffin with the four dollars and a few bundles of straw, / a few feet with a rectangular coffin buried land / single-handedly put the paper money with a gray, / Dayanhe, her tearful go. "
  Ai Qing wrote in his "Poetics," said:
  "Truth, goodness and beauty, is unified in the common will of mankind in the advanced performance of the three, the best poetry to be the link between them."
  "Our God is the poetry of three gold carriage driving, riding in the wilderness of life.
  "That's three wheels, Shan She was the same light, the same solemn rumble rang with that truth, goodness and beauty."
  "Dayanhe - my nanny," Ai Qing's poem is not only famous for, and laid a total of Ai Qing's direction after the creation. "Truth, goodness and beauty," a general approach in this important cornerstone.
  "Dayanhe - My Nanny" in 1934 in "Spring," published in the journal, the sensation of the country, also caused a lot of famous people's attention. The first author praised Mao Dun. Hu Feng also paper "blown reed flute of the poet" in the highly praised.
  Hu Feng said:
  "Here have a maternal feeding with breast milk with other people's children, with the labor of the peasant woman with a faithful image of serving others, the author of infants with this naive image of the true language of love was concrete and earnest appeal. Where he made For 'this is not fair of the world' curse, and the confession of his brothers insults than before 'but also to close ", although the whole chapter of warmth flowing affair, but he and among us have no more of the hard limits had. "
  (Guobao Chen)
  [2] Appreciation
  This poem was written in winter 1932. The poet was due to participate in "left-wing Artists Coalition" was arrested by the Kuomintang, was held in the detention center. According to the readme poet, wrote this poem in a morning, a small window of the detention center, a vast expanse of snow triggered the memory of the poet's nanny, the poet passion to write this poem. Poetry was removed several times, published in 1934. The first poet to use the "Ai Qing" the pen name, and became a star on Chinese poetry.
  Poem Dayanhe does have its people, its stories are true. In other words, the poet in full accordance with the facts, wrote the poet of the hearts of the nanny real feelings. However, this poem has not written Dayanhe: she became a symbol, a symbol of the earth, a land of hard working Chinese symbol, a symbol of the great mother. Dayan did not name the river, the river is just a place Dayan, where she is born. Dayanhe is common. Her life are more common in ordinary little things, that the silhouette of her misery. Her living space is a "dead-watt Fei," the former residence, are "a pawn of ten feet square of garden," death is only a "grass covered the grave." Her life is "black sauce bowl" and "for his son to mend torn clothes were thorns" in the cold river vegetables, vegetable. Her son, her husband lived in the care of her relatively stable life. After her death, they lose these, they fire, in the landlord's swearword sound alive. Her image, but also those linked to the land and the image of the working people. They are rooted in the earth, have a great quality workers.
  Dayanhe not without joy, that happiness is the great mother's love and deep love for the nursing infant. In a hard day, she never forgot to hold the "I", touching "I" in "I" left her, she still praised the "I", but also thinking "I" of the marriage ... ... Dayanhe same loved her son and husband. She died, they cried very sad. Dayan River, a great mother image.
  The poem does not rhyme, a few paragraphs of the sentence are not the same, but each coherence to each segment has a strong internal links between; poems do not rhyme, and the pursuit of poetic lines, but the proper use of parallelism, so many images complicated but not chaotic, unified and harmonious. The fluid makes the simple poetry, and will carry a wealth of content. Good from the ordinary life of the poet to extract the typical images, write a poem in prose like a strong rhythm. Verse momentum with a bold, beautiful and smooth rhythm, expressing the poet to non-stop, to not only the feelings, the perfect embodiment of Ai Qing's free verse style.
  - "A person's life to read the 60 poems."
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