三国 王粲 Wang Can  三国   (177~217)
Seven Isles Poems 3 three
Gift CAI Zi Du Shi
Shi Wen-start grant
Liang Wen-tert-gift
Pan is made for the To think of one's relatives, esp. parents poem
Attest Five Poems 1
Attest five poems three
Attest five poems four
Army poems
Army poems
Yong shi poem
Miscellaneous Poems
Seven isles poems 3 twain
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Pan is made for the To think of one's relatives, esp. parents poem

   Wang Can

Mu Mu was deceased mother. German audio logo only.
Reasonable first regardless. Zhimoujiangsi.
Bow this Laocui. Ju Yu Xiaozi.
Kid of the students. Ning was the world indiscriminately.
When strong attendance. From the at sign.
Um meet unexpectedly not made. Yin worry about in infants.
Consultation on the extravagant and. Retreated ancestral hall altar inside ancestral temple.
Five waste away. Division among the four countries.
Huonansibi. Died to save the neck.
Sigh I was pregnant return. Fu Kefu succeed.
Holy independent workers. Mo comfort their feelings.
Spring on behalf of the dead. In hereby Jiuling.
He Myanmar road. Yan Cheng asked for.
To be honest not only not. Committee of the day.
Shuwoxianbi. Gram Paul ya years.
PROCEEDINGS PROCEEDINGS but fear. Almost like hanging heart.
How not to hung. World Migration of Early Britain.
Yucunfuyang. Eph Pro in the post.
Yan left in the body. Painful cut heart.
Overwhelmed by the Legislative body. Shuang Fei Shen soul.
In the past Liaoe. Mourning a residual sound.
I of this analogy. Worry about its unique deep.
Junin, as interest rates. The economy today.
Yanyan Cong risk. Is not destroyed.
Yang-looking return clouds. Prone float back to the Masters.
Yan extravagant flying wing. Chao Yan extravagant stage.
Think if the current wave. Qingsiditui.
Poetry as a carry on. Sad to report the situation.
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