南北朝 何逊 He Xun  南北朝   (?~518)
Yangzhou Law cao Mumeplant japanese In (full) flower Standard material sequence of rabbit Park
Dongjak prostitutes
draft Thin articles
Doors Traveling passenger
Lamentations of Lady Zhaojun
Muqiu A Poetry of Chu Chi Room
Choufanjishi cloud poem
The _set_ting of the sun Former Xuwangzengfan Canton Yun Shi
Day and night hope The mountains and rivers of a country--the land Gift fish Minister of war in ancient china poem
Road grant Huan Minister of war in ancient china Season Gui Shi
lodge at Jiangzhou Chu Consultative Poetry
Xia zhi The river Bianwangdayu Dantu Jing Shi
Yang gifts Sons of one's paternal uncles, who are older than oneself Shi Ning Home South
Send Wei Minister of war in ancient china Other poems
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

lodge at Jiangzhou Chu Consultative Poetry

   He Xun

Since parting with the king. Fun back to four thin sequence.
Qingjiang the break. Read Do not like yesterday.
Remembrance of Border Town Tour. Xi find music his life.
Ju Teng bluff from the ridge. Were sitting winding Court.
Qing blowing or forget to go home. Time for red tape.
Asakusa even play darts. Compliance with long thin curtain at front of carriage travel.
V contains the same fur coat. Once differences in opposition claims.
Husband rather Liu Zhi. Canfei if not fertile.
Iraq home from entry. Is always filled gully.
Early fall is sad sad. Twilight night off fuse.
Lin is still flying under the leaves. Phi hardly ever spray.
How to thousands of miles across. Held by the three non-MG.
Played by Jun lotus. Yu Yin for the other crane.

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