三国 徐干 Xu Gan  三国   (171~217)
Room ideas poems 6 5
Love Poems
Present The senses (=the five senses) An official's name poem
Room thinking six poems uni-
Room thinking six poems twain
Room thinking six poems three
Room thinking six poems four
for Clear river appear Pull boat bachelor Newly-married And wife Other poems
Multiple poems at a time
Wuyan ancient style poetry

Room ideas poems 6 5

   Xu Gan

Sijun see towel comb, to benefit my ground workers.
Andhra Hung Luen Yu, Gou the hearts of people.
Liang sincerely fail, Saoshou Li joyless joyless.
He made one gone, and resumed without cause.
So as halibut, this interval as reference Chen.
Created by: 莹雪
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