现代中国 食指 Si Zhi  现代中国   (1948~?)
deem future
rabid dog
Multiple poems at a time
Modern Poetry

deem future

   Si Zhi

When spider webs mercilessly seized my stove
When the ashes of poverty and sorrow sigh Yuyan
I still stubbornly paved the ashes of despair
With beautiful snow write: I believe the future
When my purple grapes into late autumn dew
When my flowers nestled in other people's feelings
I still stubbornly use the Cream of the Ku Teng
Wrote in the desolate earth: I believe the future
I will finger the horizon that flock to the wave
I will lift up the sun that the sea palm
Gently warm the dawn of a beautiful pen that sticks
Written by the child's handwriting: I believe the future
The reason why I firmly believe that the future
I believe that people's eyes the future
She has brushed aside the historical dust eyelashes
She has seen through the years, the pupil chapter
Regardless of rotting flesh for our people
Those who lost the melancholy, the pain of failure
Moved to tears is placed, deep sympathy
Or give contemptuous smile, biting sarcasm
I firmly believe that people are our backbone
That numerous exploration, lost, failure and success
With enthusiasm, objective and fair assessment
Yes, I am anxiously awaiting the assessment of their
Friends, firmly believe the future it
To persevere, I believe
I believe over death of young
I believe the future, love life
Beijing 1968

【Reciter】 蓝色百合


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