宋代 朱存 Zhu Cun  宋代  
Jinling tomb visit historical places Ashoka Tower
Jinling tomb visit historical places Semi-Yang Lake
Jinling tomb visit historical places North Drainage
Jinling tomb visit historical places tidal creek
Jinling tomb visit historical places Dongshan
Jinling tomb visit historical places Phoenix TV
Jinling tomb visit historical places Tin Que Mountain
Jinling tomb visit historical places Wu Yi Lane
Jinling tomb visit historical places Wu Yi Lane
Jinling tomb visit historical places New Pavilion
Jinling tomb visit historical places Win ditch
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Jinling tomb visit historical places Phoenix TV

   Zhu Cun

Zhu Ying Tung Yin full of the old mountain, do not overload the air in Phoenix.
Stage only the flute who win and Ming falling into the world.
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