宋代 周南 Zhou Na  宋代  
Aug On the 7th and Wu Shen 2 A respectful form of address for a taoist priest Through the book with the docking Hill church Early as
present Nan an (surname) honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
cistern No-frills New on Ya honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
Spring That is something
Spring Ya new honorific fitle of civil governor of a province in ancient China
A Jing Weng and to Species of bamboo length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment 1 Gift line eulogy
A Jing Weng and to Species of bamboo length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment 1 Gift line eulogy
A Jing Weng and to Species of bamboo length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment 1 Gift line eulogy
A Jing Weng and to Species of bamboo length of cane, or a thin rod, used for supporting plants, as a walking-stick or for beating people as a punishment 1 Gift line eulogy
Reading History
read poetry of the Tang Dynasty
read poetry of the Tang Dynasty
read poetry of the Tang Dynasty
Reading poetry Shinshu Zhao Changfu
February On the 5th Fat boat
go boating swim Tiger
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

go boating swim Tiger

   Zhou Na

Places the sea water around the raft while the rich, mountain-Xia Shen sea on the morning.
The early rain break robins Yan Shu, Zhong Mei-degree day is not inclined cloud.
Monk overlooking Jianchi see Bayeux, who catch cold food Gun Yanghua.
West Valley for years, invasion of Confucius, women still Jiugong crow wall.

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