宋代 郑獬 Zheng Xie  宋代   (1022~1072)
Good near the first month of spring
Good near
Was en serve as an envoy abroad
name of a river in Henan bend (of a river)
Name of a river in Henan River night walk
allo- my daughter (self-depreciatory term)
Catch locusts
pick Teal Heights
Pick River
Chen Cai drought
Public pay up
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Ancient Korea over Juyongguan

   Zheng Xie

Iron Mountain fifty years, counting from right} {left Quan animals can not be over.
Two walls, such as folders city, pedestrians Guanzhong fish.
Giant off every strength, cold and heat north and south special.
Kazuo brief the key, Kazuma can not trend.
Glimpse of three Shih Chuan, who is ridiculous and mo.
Not war cause, cede territory thing Huns.
The tree is not closed arch, Diji is a long drive.
Heir title actually bi, white Qionglu worship.
Since loss of natural barrier, a column break Kun Yu.
Sejong with British Gas, the hand shake Kunlun Market.
Six south off the city, go east are confined to bed.
Dynasty was the world, unauthorized theft is the accuser.
The right to take care of Shu Han, left, Jing Ping Wu.
For possession of millions of fine silk, Miles purchased the skull.
Can be a red group, take the tie Chanyu.
Church policy secret nine, the sun suddenly West 徂.
Monty off his bow, cry hope Dinghu.
Xiandi services support people could not bear except beam Zhou.
Age left Zeng Xu, Tianfu possession of Dan book.
Sang Zhe into the Yanshan, cattle and sheep lying Ping Wu.
I line absurd envoys, riding out in the coating of ice.
Lubang twenty-three old, pieces of white towel hanging to be.
Han welcomed dressed, Koushou or sob boo.
Find themselves unable to scan, a hundred years off the ghost zone.
Eventually the number of days together, traveling on the Governor Kang map.
Sprinkle hanging wine loyalists, tears wet Cangshan corner.
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