宋代 赵蕃 Zhao Bo  宋代  
Xiaochong Mountain
Ai Wen Ding
Ai Wen Ding
Anfo Road Jianniuhang Long mu Jianhecao Had [would] as lief ...as Shihewenzhijie Cloud valley become The fact is ... Niubufushiyi
Ani Moor a boat for boat
eight Day and night rain The ninth day of the ninth noon, a festival on the lunar calendar incessantly
Rain is on the 8th Date Close a bargain arrive Let it be Not to
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Aug Bari Hair tanzhou Houde Quatrains The number 40 *40 head
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

lodge at Sun zijin Brothers

   Zhao Bo

Shuangfeng into the dry reed, custom pillows that can be safe.
Candlestick lamps from a short search, book donations complex generous look.
Myanmar Tour thinking his life, flat land and more Ben turbulence.
Qi Zai Huai no, Jing Wu Long Way.
Big Sun Executive Secretary, Heritage Mibu view.
No hidden astronomical Austria, sitting so Decade of Satan.
Overflow and the article, see Shu volume waves.
Cheng Zai also Sunkist, do not base the old petty officer.
Poetry as Bai Hao, Higashino kill cold laugh.
Jiuhan or see the sword, is willing to play the no fish.
Meter section also more bitter, cold, if who do.
Arm of the vegetation, pine shelter Chunlan.
Officials do not want too, thanks to self-love alfalfa disk.
Xiang Xie live Jingxi, Ming Hong vague cloud.
Jia Ke Quan drink wine, taken towards the river recommended meal.
Temptress Moon live good, short and art world wide.
I Yu Wang from the buy boat cut fishing rod.
Fuchun visit Yanling, Wusong seek Zhang Han.
Wishful people fresh, high-interest situation easy to Lanna.
Jun Wu light of this music, this music is not about travel more.

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