宋代 曾巩 Zeng Gong  宋代   (1019~1083)
Reward Nanzhi
aug Score nine daily nip
Flowers dike
hundred parterre
Ban Shanting
Ormer Mountain
North Pond Little will
North Lake
Example Pavilion North Rain
Bilian Pond
Between soldiers
Bo chang few Give souvenir on parting profession, business Send a poem Cable wine Due to Feng Pao
Cai Zhou
taste New Tea
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

The trail Send Jie Fu Fung

   Zeng Gong

Take the trouble to be caught summer, Quchi between landscape.
Stephen Waugh lung thirsty mud, sand wind and ashamed.
Fatigue Can asthma white foam, negative shoulder is useless servant Yin.
Yang sigh dry cloud height, overlooking Ai Fang Pei trickle.
Air dust couch, the net Hall row Kasumigaseki.
Cheng Huang Zhuang situation Okaya loop back and forth.
Shine on the red water chestnut Cha, Yu Chui can climb trees.
Miscellaneous Qinghuang wild seedlings, rain is still saving facilities.
Witchcraft Ye Wang group, Flute and Drum-ming empty mountains.
Fei-wu farmers worry about the post of stealing the look-year-old sighed.
Strong when the afternoon at leisure, the beginning of the line looking bent.
Stars get glory, Luo network juh spots.
Comment Although the cloud assumed tired, their homeland was temporarily also.
Lin monks granted premises, climb off the saddle rings in fields.
The Jiaojiao my heart, sense of shame he only mouth the right {left} {Yen Yen} right-left port.
Kam Chiu party vote scheduled, even if symptoms horse classes.
Phase of Lan Ji, Chuan Wan waves poor.
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