宋代 谢枋得 Xie Fangde  宋代   (1226~1289)
Qinyuan Cold spell in spring State Road Food Yun
Silkworm Fu Yin
Iris song
Tsung Tsin School Fast Even the book Fu Hsi of the children was determined and Feng Zhang Cang Liu dong Zhai Hua Fu
Fu first arrived in Jianning poem a (poem)
Spring famous cuckoo
On behalf of the Du Azechi 3
On behalf of the Du Azechi 3
On behalf of the Zhang undergo
Fu Song
resign from office
and Taoist Chen Tian hidden
and Taoist Chen Tian hidden
and Li bai Xun Yang Purple palace Feeling fall
and She aimei charm
and You guyi charm
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Sin Latency

   Xie Fangde

Autumn busy on the 10th, face pregnant Akiyama empty.
Solid haze normal, leaves, the red shop.
His life five doctors, a bald old Weng vote.
Phase of the desolate look, do not pay for the language.
Two solid metabolism, Mi seasons end early.
Yi Su miserable cream, warm red complex financial law.
Phase of the cold of winter protection, wood back to the late spring.
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