宋代 项安世 Xiang Anshi  宋代  
Autumn Love
Garden Chun sent 3
Garden Chun sent 3
Garden Chun sent 3
On the 8th Danyang encounter
Bar River
Postscript to keep black Ming Luo Qing business
White Lotus
Bailudong Church Book
help Minister of war in ancient china Begum 2
help Minister of war in ancient china Begum 2
Do not see the grinding Yu Pu Chen prison library of Song Heng
Do Yuezhou
allo- Zhou ji concealed East lake privacy
Disease from
Disease and from Liu zhou surname Elisor present rhyme (in poetry)
bad teeth
Disease Thank-you
Multiple poems at a time
ancient style poetry

Fan send about 2 less

   Xiang Anshi

Jointly from the clouds long, slightly and graupel phase and.
At first glance may dilute the number of Jianjue more Nannai.
Such as dust from the plug channel, it may block the sky falling.
Million pound anvil training, thousands Yang Lin winnowing chaff.
Learn to dance potential Qi Qi, Zheng-Hui Ming luster of gems luster of gems.
Kun Ling Yu ashes, Fujian tea a mill stream.
Jitu General Health delicious, value for the door will also heap credit.
Su Qiao canopies with powder, ice to stalk Chu.
Yao Zhu hub of cars, China changed the saddle blankets to sit.
Spent the morning watching children chanting, walking the dog lying impede night.
The sky a distance, cover to all hard.
Change but Shoko blue, dirty soil cover to make manure.
Well as unique clothing, but other River zone break.
Flowers everywhere for Qu, family possessions monitoring class.
Silver is not rich, especially the poor, suffering from hunger I prefer rice.
Xing Qi without reason, poor cheap talk from the HE.

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